Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
PGE Group's selected consolidated financial data
1. General information
1.1 Information on the parent
1.2 Information on PGE Group
1.3 PGE Group's composition
1.3.1 Fully consolidated direct and indirect subsidiaries
1.3.2 Joint ventures that are subject to consolidation as regards the assets, equity and liabilities, revenues and costs attributable to PGE Group
1.3.3 The following associates and jointly controlled entities are subject to consolidation using the equity method
1.4 Accounting for new acquisitions of subsidiaries
2. Basis for preparation of financial statements
2.1 Statement of compliance
2.2 Presentation and functional currency
2.3 New standards and interpretations published, not yet effective
2.4 Professional judgement of management and estimates
3. Impairment tests on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, right-of-use assets and goodwill
3.1 Description of assumptions for the Conventional Generation segment
3.2 Description of assumptions for the District Heating segment
3.3 Description of assumptions for the Renewables segment
3.4 Description of assumptions for the gas and steam unit construction project in Nowy Czarnów being implemented by PGE Gryfino 2050 sp. z o.o.
3.5 Description of assumptions for the Wind Energy project
3.6 Distribution segment's property, plant and equipment
4. Selected accounting rules
5. Changes in accounting principles and data presentation
6. Information on operating segments
6.1 Information on operating segments
6.2 Information on geographical areas
7. Revenue and costs
7.1 Revenue from sales
7.2 Costs by nature and function
7.2.1 Depreciation, amortisation, disposal and impairment losses
7.2.2 Materials and energy
7.2.3 External services
7.2.4 Taxes and fees
7.2.5 Employee benefits expenses and employment structure
7.3 Other operating income and costs
7.4 Financial income and costs
7.5 Share of profit of equity-accounted entities
8. Income tax
8.1 Tax in the statement of comprehensive income
8.2 Effective tax rate
9. Property, plant and equipment
10. Investment property
11. Intangible assets
12. Right-of-use assets
13. Shares accounted for using the equity method
14. Deferred tax in statement of financial position
14.1 Deferred income tax assets
14.2 Deferred tax liabilities
15. Inventories
16. CO₂ emission allowances for captive use
17. Other current and non-current assets
17.1 Other non-current assets
17.2 Other current assets
18. Cash and cash equivalents
19. Social Fund assets and liabilities
20. Equity
20.1 Share capital
20.2 Reserve capital
20.3 Hedging reserve
20.4 Foreign exchange differences from translation
20.5 Retained earnings and limitations on payment of dividend
20.6 Equity attributable to non-controlling interests
20.7 Profit/loss per share
20.8 Dividends paid and recommended for payment
21. Provisions
21.1 Rehabilitation provision
21.2 Provision for cost of CO₂ emissions
21.3 Provision for energy origin rights held for redemption
21.4 Other provisions
22. Employee benefits
23. Deferred income and governments grants
23.1 Non-current deferred income and government grants
23.2 Current deferred income and governments grants
24. Other non-financial liabilities
24.1 Other non-current non-financial liabilities
24.2 Other current non-financial liabilities
25. Financial Instruments
25.1 Description of significant items within particular classes of financial instruments
25.1.1 Trade and other financial receivables
25.1.2 Derivatives and other instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss
25.1.3 Loans, borrowings, bonds and leases
25.1.4 Trade and other financial liabilities
25.2 Fair value of financial instruments
25.3 Fair value hierarchy
25.4 Statement of comprehensive income
25.5 Collateral for repayment of receivables and liabilities
26. Objectives and principles of financial risk management
26.1 Market risk
26.1.1 Commodity risk
26.1.2 Interest rate risk
26.1.3 Currency risk
26.2 Liquidity risk
26.3 Credit risk
26.3.1 Trade receivables. Other loans and financial receivables
26.3.2 Deposits, cash and cash equivalents
26.3.3 Derivatives
26.3.4 Guarantees and sureties issued
26.4 Climate risk
26.5 Market (financial) risk - sensitivity analysis
26.6 Hedge accounting
27. Statement of cash flows
27.1 Cash flows from operating activities
27.2 Cash flows from investing activities
27.3 Cash flows from financing activities
28. Contingent liabilities and receivables. Legal claims
28.1 Contingent liabilities
28.2 Other significant issues related to contingent liabilities
28.3 Contingent receivables
28.4 Other court cases and disputes
29. Future investment commitments
30. Tax settlements
31. Information on related parties
31.1 Associates and jointly controlled entities
31.2 State Treasury-controlled companies
31.3 Management Board and Supervisory Board remuneration
32. Audit company
33. Significant events during and after the reporting period
33.1 Impact of war in Ukraine on PGE Group's activities
33.2 Planned disposal of coal assets to National Energy Security Agency
33.3 Planned capital injection for PGE S.A. by way of share issue
33.4 PGE Paliwa sp. z o.o.'s implementation of decisions relating to the purchase and sale of coal
33.5 Regulatory changes on the electricity market
33.6 Preliminary agreement to purchase 100% of shares in PKPE Holding sp. z o.o.
33.7 Significant events after the reporting period
34. Approval of the financial statements
35. Glossary of terms and abbreviations