20.6 Equity attributable to non-controlling interests

As at December 31, 2022, equity attributable to non-controlling interests related mainly to the non- controlling interests in ZEW Kogeneracja S.A. and EC Zielona Góra S.A.

The table below presents changes in non-controlling interests in the reporting periods.

(in PLNm) As at December 31, 2022 As at December 31, 2021
AS AT JANUARY 1 797 983
Share of net profit of subsidiaries 62 (27)
Share of actuarial profit and losses (1) 2
Dividends declared by subsidiaries (3) (2)
Sale of subsidiaries (10) (155)
Acquisition of non-controlling interests by the Group (4)
AS AT DECEMBER 31 845 797

Of the total equity attributable to non-controlling interests, 79% is the equity of Kogeneracja S.A. Summarised information on this subsidiary is presented below.

 (in PLNm) ZEW Kogeneracja S.A.
At December 31, 2022*
Current assets 589
Non-current assets 1.969
Current liabilities 804
Non-current liabilities 195
Equity 1.559
Revenue 1.132
Result on continuing operations (14)
Approved dividends 5
*Data differs from statutory data due to consolidation procedures

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