
GRI indicators
  • 3-3

PGE Group takes a broader view of the environment in which it operates. We strive to be fully aware of the areas in which the Group's assets operate, which enables us to adapt our generation and investment processes to the environment.

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  • 304-3

The Group’s companies use good practices that take into account the protection of the landscape and biodiversity, minimising the negative impact on the environment. These involve restoring habitats to conditions that allow ecosystems to function properly, supporting natural processes that have been disrupted or restoring populations.

Conventional energy en route to biodiversity

The branches of PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna are actively working to preserve biodiversity, understood as the multiformity and variability of life on Earth in all its forms and interactions, which includes diversity within species, between species and diversity of ecosystems.

As part of a biodiversity study at the Turów Power Plant, tests were carried out on the mercury content of ichthyofauna (fish) – at measuring points in the waters of the Miedzianka and the Nysa Łużycka.

Cyclical monitoring of water quality in the Miedzianka River is carried out at three measurement points. Physico-chemical parameters are tested by an on-site laboratory every fortnight, while water quality is tested once every two months by an accredited laboratory.

The Turów plant branch is not located in a protected area, only in the vicinity of Natura 2000 sites. Natura 2000 sites have been identified:

  • populations of animal species of conservation concern: otter, scarce copper, nausitous scarlet mantis, large blue scarlet mantis, great crested newt;
  • habitats in the area of the Nysa Łużycka River Valley:
    • 3150 Old river beds and eutrophic water bodies,
    • 3260 Lowland and submontane rivers with Trichinella communities,
    • 6410 Molinia meadows,
    • 6430 Mountain herbs and riparian herbs,
    • 6510 Lowland and submontane fresh meadows,
    • 9130 Fertile beech forests,
    • 9170 Central European oak-hornbeam,
    • 9180 Maple-leaf forest,
    • 91E0 Willow, poplar, alder and ash forests.

Natural areas outside the Natura 2000 site in the Bogatynia Municipality:

  • 6510 Lowland and submontane fresh meadows;
  • 9130 Fertile beech forests;
  • 9170 Central European oak-hornbeam;
  • 91E0 Willow, poplar, alder and ash forests.

On the area of the reclaimed external dump of the Turów Lignite Mine Branch there are valuable landscape and nature values, environmentally diversified (habitats of very numerous representatives of both the plant and animal world, including many rare and protected species). In the course of the inventory of animals carried out by ecologists and foresters it was found that the following species live here: roe deer, wild boars, foxes, muskrats, hares, badgers, martens, polecats, weasels and ermine. Birds are represented by many species, both migrating, breeding and wintering. Some of them, such as the kestrel or tawny owl, are now counted among the species which are becoming rarer in Poland. The wetlands are home to numerous amphibians and reptiles, including protected tree frogs, fire-bellied toads, mountain newts, grey toads, viviparous lizards and grass snakes. The flora is represented by more than a hundred species of woody and herbaceous plants. Some of them were introduced during recultivation works, but most of them found their way here by natural succession, finding favourable conditions for living. The resulting ecosystem is a constantly evolving environment, undergoing constant changes and transformations. With the passage of time the biodiversity of the former heap will increase. The plants introduced in the course of recultivation works, through their influence on the surrounding environment, are already paving the way for other, more demanding species. This is evidenced, among other things, by the observed phenomenon of animals migrating from the adjacent areas not transformed as a result of mining and settling in rehabilitated areas.

The primary task of the reclamation carried out at the Turów mine is to shape the biotope. The successively increasing area of forested land has mainly soil-forming and soil-protective functions, which is particularly important in the case of soilless and erosion-prone areas.

Two protected areas are located in close proximity to the Turów lignite mine:

  • Natura 2000 area „Przełomowa Dolina Nysy Łużyckiej” – a section of the Nysa Łużycka valley from Trzciniec to Zgorzelec,
  • Natura 2000 area „Neißegebiet”. – The area occupies the floodplain of the Lusatian Neisse and the connected, preserved fragments of forest communities. The area is complementary to the Polish side of the Natura 2000 area „Nysa Łużycka River Valley”. – together they cover the entire Nysa valley with the preserved ecosystems in its immediate surroundings.

There are also three nature monuments located in the vicinity of the open pit and the former external heap of PGE GiEK SA’s KWB Turów branch:

  • fossil stem of the conifer Taxodixylon gypsaceum,
  • small-leaved lime tree,
  • pedunculate oak.

Since 2013, monitoring of non-forest habitats and protected plant species and forest habitats has been carried out in the vicinity of the mine.

In 2022, the following research work was carried out as part of the monitoring referred to above:

  • Monitoring of spring pasqueflower and marsh helleborine,
  • Monitoring of Natura 2000 non-forest habitats – lowland fresh meadows used extensively,
  • Monitoring of hydrological conditions in peatlands,
  • Monitoring of protected peatland species,
  • Active protection of rare and protected species – monitoring of the following species: common marsh, common yew, wolfsbane laurel, common hellebore, mountain ash,
  • Active protection of Natura 2000 natural habitats – light oak, implementation of active protection works at the Wola Wiewiecka site, Radomsko Forest District.

In terms of monitoring forest ecosystems in 2022, studies were carried out on damage to stands in habitats such as: wet forest, fresh mixed forest, wet mixed forest, fresh mixed forest, wet mixed forest, swampy mixed forest, fresh forest, alder swamp. Additionally, recommendations for wet and swampy habitats were developed as part of this monitoring.

KWB is recultivating the external dump of the Szczerców Field and the internal dump of the Bełchatów Field. The area of the reclaimed external dump of Pole Szczerców is being sodded and afforested. The area has become a refuge for many animal species and numerous herds of roe deer as well as feeding wild boars and hares have been recorded on the heap. Foxes have also been encountered. Recently, European red deer have also been observed. Among birds, species characteristic of open field and meadow areas predominate. Lark, field and wood pipit, partridge and pheasant, among others, can be found on the topland. Ravens, buzzards and kestrels also patrol the area. Cranes can also be seen on the escarpments.

Three protected areas are located within the KWB Bełchatów mining area:

  • Dolina Widawki Landscape Protection Area, which includes areas protected due to their distinctive landscape with diversified ecosystems and their function as ecological corridors. Location of the area: Łódzkie Voivodeship, the districts of Radomszczański, Piotrkowski, Łaski and Bełchatowski
  • The „Łuszczanowice” reserve – is a forest reserve (mixed lowland forests), in the phytocenotic type. The aim of the reserve’s protection is to preserve a fir forest ecosystem, of natural origin, on the border of the fir tree’s range. Location of the nature reserve: Łódzkie Voivodeship, Bełchatów Poviat, the municipality of Kleszczów
  • The „Murowaniec” reserve – is a forest reserve (mixed lowland forests), in the floristic type. The aim of the reserve’s protection is the preservation of a fragment of a multi-layered mixed forest of natural origin, with a large share of fir on the border of the range of its occurrence with the character of a primary forest for scientific, educational and landscape reasons

The Bełchatów Power Plant Branch is not located in protected areas.

In case of the Rybnik plant, on the northern side of the site and around the „Rybnik” Reservoir there are natural protected areas in the form of Cystercian Landscape Compositions of Ore Mountains Landscape Park.

Pursuant to Regulation no. 181/93 of the Katowice Voivode of 23 November 1993 (Official Journal of the Katowice Voivodeship No. 15*, item 130), highly urbanised areas, including the Rybnik Power Plant together with the reservoir of water used for technological purposes, the so-called „Rybnik Reservoir”, were excluded from the Landscape Park „Rybnik Reservoir”. The area of the Rybnik Power Plant is anthropogenically transformed and constantly influenced by human activity. There is no vegetation except grass. The mammalian fauna is poor, composed of species habitually associated with this area, no protected habitats.

While Rybnik Reservoir and the surrounding area are a habitat for animals, including those under species protection, the area itself is not a protected habitat area.

South of the power plant there is an ecological utility „Dolina Okrzeszyniec”. The nearest Natura 2000 sites are located from the power station:

  • Special Bird Protection Area „Stawy Wielikąt i Ligota Tworkowska”. (approx. 17 km),
  • Special Area of Habitat Protection Stawy Łężczok (Nędza) (approx. 17 km),
  • Special Habitat Conservation Area Graniczny Meander Odry (approx. 26 km),
  • Special Protection Area of Dolina Górnej Wisły (approx. 38 km),
  • Special Area of Habitat Protection Tarnogórsko-Bytomskie Podziemie (approx. 40 km).

In the vicinity of the Dolna Odra Power Plant Branch there are the following forms of nature protection: a landscape park, 5 Natura 2000 sites (3 Sites of Community Importance and 2 Special Protection Areas), 5 nature monuments (more than 116 trees), an ecological utility and a nature and landscape complex.

In the immediate vicinity of Elektrownia Dolna Odra there are two, partly intersecting areas under protection within the Natura 2000 network. These are:

  • Dolina Odry Special Habitat Conservation Area (Habitats Directive) (approx. 0.8 km),
  • Dolina Dolnej Odry Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) (approx. 0.3 km),
  • Dolina Dolnej Odry Landscape Park (approx. 1.3 km).

PGE Group’s CHPs operate in industrial areas where there is a limited degree of biodiversity.

In PGE Energia Ciepła locations, especially within the boundaries of areas to which the company has a legal title, there are no Natura 2000 areas or other areas subject to protection under the Act of 16 April 2004 on nature protection (e.g. national and landscape parks, etc.).

There are also no large or small ecological corridors. The site is fenced, so there is no possibility of animals entering them. However, in the closer and further vicinity of PGE Energia Ciepła installations there are such areas, therefore they are taken into account at the stage of investment preparation.

PGE Energia Ciepła Oddział, branch in Szczecin (since July 1, 2021)

The following areas are located in the vicinity of the Pomorzany CHP:

  • Dolina Odry Special Habitat Conservation Area,
  • Dolina Dolnej Odry Special Protection Area (Birds Directive) (approx. 200 m),
  • Areas important for the condition of the urban environment and preservation of biodiversity include allotment gardens, the valley of the Bukowa river, housing estate greenery, street greenery, biologically active areas accompanying buildings and developed areas, publicly accessible greenery (squares, plazas) and the Odra river with its wetlands.

The Szczecin CHP is situated approx. 1.3 km from two Natura 2000 areas, i.e.

  • Dolna Odra Special Habitat Conservation Area,
  • Dolina Dolnej Odry Special Protection Area.

The exception is the combustion waste landfill, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the areas mentioned, next to the Odra river.

There are protected areas in the vicinity of PGE Energia Odnawialna facilities.

Technological processes, equipment operation and investments carried out do not cause interference in biodiversity of these areas.

On-going nature research makes it possible to learn about the real impact of the company’s activities on species richness. The observations made during nature monitoring have shown positive effects of the activities carried out so far.

In the case of PGE Energia Odnawialna, technological processes, the operation of equipment and investments carried out do not cause interference in the biodiversity of protected areas.

The green areas owned by the company are maintained by employees and cleaning services. Natura 2000 SAC areas are located in the vicinity of the facilities.

PGE Energia Odnawialna participates in the costs of restocking rivers and lakes in accordance with the provisions of water permits, and the constructed fish ladders enable unimpeded fish migration. Investigations of wind farms in operation did not indicate any need for significant biodiversity protection measures.

Should such a need arise, preventive measures will be taken. Nature surveys will continue in the coming years.

Porąbka branch

The water management carried out in the reservoirs and the operation of the power plant in particular does not pose significant threats to the ichthyofauna. Biological life develops in the reservoirs and the quantitative and qualitative composition of the fish stock changes.

Hydroelectric power plants operate in such a way as to continuously guarantee an inviolable flow in watercourses downstream of the power plant, which determines the good condition and potential of biological elements and the good condition of water-dependent habitats and species. PGE Energia Odnawialna participates in the costs of restocking rivers and lakes in accordance with the provisions of water permits, and the constructed fish ladders enable unimpeded fish migration.

Solina branch

The following areas are located in the Solina branch:

  • Areas of Protected Landscape,
  • Beskid Niski Protected Landscape Area and Wschodniobeskidzki Protected Landscape Area – there are two protected landscape areas in the Lesko county,
  • Wschodniobeskidzki Protected Landscape Area,
  • Landscape parks – in the Lesko county:
    • Landscape Park of Góry Słonne,
    • Ciśniańsko-Wetliński Landscape Park,
    • Dolina Sanu Landscape Park,

The town of Solina is located outside the area of landscape parks. No nature reserves have been established in the area of Solina town.

  • Natural monuments – Skałki Myczkowieckie,
  • Nature reserves: Koziniec, Nad Jeziorem Myczkowieckim and Przełom Sanu pod Grodziskiem – in the vicinity of Solina and Myczkowce,
  • Natura 2000 sites of European Community importance – only in the area of the Lesko county, there are no such sites in the vicinity of the use:
    • Góry Słonne
    • Dorzecze Górnego Sanu
    • Bieszczady
    • Natura 2000 sites – Special bird protection areas

Two special bird protection areas Natura 2000 were established in the Lesko district: Bieszczady, Góry Słonne.

Żarnowiec branch

PGE Energia Odnawialna participates in the costs of restocking Lake Żarnowieckie and the Piaśnica River, as obliged by the Water Law Permit. Through a weir at the mouth of Żarnowieckie Lake to the Piaśnica River, it is possible to regulate the flow of water in the river, while always maintaining an inviolable flow, which translates into the preservation of biological life.

Dychów branch

The Dychów branch ensures that habitats and ecological corridors do not disappear. It cooperates with angling association circles and plans further cooperation in the restocking of the River Bóbr. It actively participates in the development of protection task plans for Natura 2000 areas. In 2022 alone, these were developed for the Krośnieńska Dolina Odry and Dolina Dolnego Bobru areas. Another fish ladder (in Stary Raduszec) was also put into use.

Hydro-power plants

The Dębe hydro power plant has a fish ladder to allow fish migration. Smardzewice Hydroelectric Power Plant The company contributes to the cost of restocking the Pilica River. In the case of the Oder River Basin Power Plant, only five facilities (out of 21 in operation) do not have a fish ladder, i.e. EW Rakowice, EW Kliczków, EW Małomice, EW Żarki Wielkie and EW Gubin.

Wind farms

In 2022, PGE Energia Odnawialna continued to conduct bird and bat monitoring at its wind farms Resko II, Kisielice II, Karwice, Lotnisko and Wojciechowo.

Last year’s monitoring carried out on these wind farms were the last cycles of research within the framework of natural observations of ornitho- and chiropterofauna. On-going nature research makes it possible to learn about the real impact of the company’s activities on species richness. In the case of positive effects, the observations made during the natural monitoring make it possible to undertake actions conducive to their preservation.

Whereas if significant negative effects occur, it will be possible to take preventive measures.

The nature monitoring of the wind farms so far has not indicated a need to undertake actions increasing the protection of biodiversity.

PGE Dystrybucja office buildings are not located in Natura 2000 areas or other areas subject to protection under the Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 (e.g. national and landscape parks, etc.).

There are also no large or small ecological corridors in the area. However, power lines run through protected areas and there are various types of switchyards on them – among others within the boundaries of the Wigry, Biebrzański and Narwiański National Parks, the Piska, Białowieża, Augustowska, Knyszyńska and Kampinos Forests, the Landscape Parks: These include Międzyrzecza Warty i Widawki, Wzniesień Łódzkich, Nadbużański, Mazowieckie, Chojnowski, Spalski, Sulejowski and Bolimowski Landscape Parks, Natura 2000 Areas: Pradolina Warszawko-Berlińska, Dolina Przysowa i Słudwi and the Jeziorsko Reservoir, as well as the protected areas of the Bieszczady and Roztocze Mountains.

Efforts for biodiversity

  • 304-4

PGE Group is actively working to preserve and develop biodiversity. It has been taking care of birds, forests, animals and vegetation for years. It implements a number of partnerships and proprietary projects to monitor, conserve as well as develop ecosystems.

PGE’s flagship environmental project is the 'Forests Full of Energy’ program, which has been running for more than 23 years and aims, among other things, to improve air quality and restore tree stands in Polish forests.

The program also involves cooperation with partners active in the field of nature conservation and ecology. In 2022, participants in the campaign planted a total of almost 70,000 trees in 19 locations in 11 voivodeships: the Mazovia, Pomerania, Lublin, Rzeszów, Lower and Upper Silesia, Podkarpacie, Małopolska and Wielkopolska voivodeships, as well as the Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Łódzkie voivodeships. More than 1,500 people joined the work, including PGE Group employees, their families and invited guests: children from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and young athletes from PGE Turów Zgorzelec.

Beneficiaries of the Forests Full of Energy program:

1. climate – the program’s tasks lead to an improvement in air quality thanks to the systematic planting of trees that has been carried out for more than 20 years (the oldest forest planted by PGE employees will be 22 years old this year);

2. natural resources – the tasks also lead to improvements in groundwater and soil quality through systematic afforestation;

3. biodiversity – the systematic restoration of forest stands in Polish forests leads to the restoration of forest ecosystems;

4. children, young people and adults raise their environmental awareness by carrying out environmental protection tasks together, become more sensitive to nature and contribute to the implementation of good habits such as waste segregation and care for biodiversity;

5. local communities – working together on projects that benefit the whole neighbourhood helps nurture good neighbourly relations.

Action on biodiversity, climate, environmental protection and sustainable development has an effect when it is carried out systematically, consistently and in cooperation with monitoexperts, while involving as many people as possible.

An extremely important component of such activities is environmental and nature education, raising awareness and drawing attention to the need to protect what is most valuable in the environment – balance and biodiversity.

The effects of activities carried out under the program 'Forests full of energy’ are visible and bring real benefits both to Poles and to the environment around us. These include hundreds of thousands of trees planted, real support for ecosystems and the development of biodiversity, as well as high quality education.

Out of concern for storks, PGE employees are erecting nest platforms above the power lines on which storks build their nests.

To date, more than 28,500 such platforms have already been installed, 787 of which will be installed in 2022. Every year, energy professionals help ornithologists to ring young storks. In 2022 alone, 866 juveniles in 330 nests were ringed. Overall, 10 storks have also been fitted with GPS devices to acquire their current locations and migration routes. In addition, 66 bird deterrents were installed at sensitive locations – on poles, transformer stations – to prevent birds from perching on working parts of the network and thus protect them from being electrocuted.

PGE Group also takes care of storks which overwinter in Poland due to health indisposition. Thanks to PGE’s support, the „Chance for Storks” association from Lublin’s Kozubszczyzna supports the recovery, rehabilitation and protection of the infrastructure in which wintering storks can safely wait for spring. In 2022, modernisation of the stork holding facilities was carried out, which directly contributed to improved sanitary conditions and the development of the stork rehabilitation centre.

The peregrine falcon is one of the rarest bird species in Poland, and 20 years ago it was almost non-existent in our country.

Currently, there are about 80 pairs and they are strictly protected. PGE Group has been actively working to restore the peregrine falcon population in Poland for 20 years.

PGE also cooperates with associations and foundations whose goal is to protect birds, such as the Association for Wild Animals „Sokół”, supporting activities related to the restoration of the peregrine falcon species in Poland, where they are under strict species protection. Peregrines are keen to nest on facilities owned by PGE – at the CHP plant in Gdynia, in Gdańsk, in Lublin, in Toruń or on the chimney of the power plant in Bełchatów and the Dolna Odra plant. In 2022, 14 young falcons fledged from nests present on 4 chimneys at PGE Group locations: 3 in Dolna Odra, 4 in Bełchatów, 3 in Toruń and 4 in Gdynia. Cameras were placed on the falcon nesting boxes installed at CHP plant in Gdynia, Toruń and Lublin, allowing the birds to be viewed online at the Falcon Association website:

PGE also supports the „Sokół” Association in its information and education activities, encouraging local communities to take an interest in the life of wild birds. At the Gdynia CHP, it is a tradition to invite children from a nearby primary school to a „live” nature lesson, during which they have the opportunity to see the process of ringing young birds.

During the environmental studies conducted in the area of the planned construction of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm, the population of the long-tailed duck, a marine bird of the duck family, was measured. It is a protected species within the Natura 2000 network areas adjacent to Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 comprising the Baltica wind farm.

During the year-long transect surveys, 3,547 individuals were observed in the Baltica wind farm area, while a total of 7,099 individuals were observed during visual observations and radar surveys during spring and autumn migration. Based on the surveys, solutions were developed to protect the species. The solutions included reduction of the development area by moving the investment away from Słupsk Shoal by 2-2.5 km. There was also delineated a passage (migration) corridor in line with the main bird migration direction with a minimum width of 5 km between the outer planned power plants of the Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 projects, together with the expansion of the flight zones from the north-eastern and south-western directions. The planned corridor will allow free access to the birds’ wintering area and ensure the shortest possible stay in the immediate vicinity of the power plants during the flight to the wintering area. It was also planned to use a minimum clearance of 20m between the water surface and the tip of the shovel, as the surveys indicated that the majority of icicles moved up to 20m.

Damage caused to birds by wind turbines owned by PGE is rare – the farms operate on the basis of environmental decisions and, where necessary, there are periodic shutdowns of the power plants during the migration of these animals.

However, the Group does take measures to minimise the effects of its operations on fauna and flora. The Group is involved in a project that aims to reduce the risk of collisions between birds and wind turbine blades. The initiative is being carried out together with the Polish company Bioseco, the supplier of the innovative system, and a team of ornithologists. The next stages of the pilot implementation of the bird protection system are being carried out at the Lotnisko Wind Farm. Thanks to special cameras and radars, it recognises animals at a critical distance from the operating wind turbines. If necessary, a warning light signal is activated, prompting the birds to change their flight path. The device can also bring the turbine operation to a halt if the light signals prove insufficient.

Stocking campaigns are pro-environmental activities regularly undertaken by PGE Group, primarily by the branches that manage pumped storage power plants.

The initiative is aimed at developing biodiversity and restoring endangered fish species living in reservoirs adjacent to PGE Group assets. In 2022, the first action covered Lake Raduszeckie and Lake Dychowskie, where populations of tench, carp and common carp were strengthened. More than half a tonne of two-year-old fish was put into the water. The second initiative (150 kg of brook trout) was implemented in Lake Myczkowskie.

In 2022, PGE Group and Wody Polskie carried out a joint action to sow land near the Porąbka-Żar power plant. The initiative covered 100 acres of wasteland, on which 200 kg of seeds were sown.

PGE wants to contribute to the preservation of flora species characteristic of the Żywiec region. Particularly important in this context is to support the restoration of numerous types of melliferous plants and maintain species balance while eliminating invasive plants.

Partnerships for biodiversity

PGE Group is also involved in a number of other projects in the area of ecology, nature and climate protection. It supports national parks, cooperates with the Regional Directorates of the State Forests, forest inspectorates, ornithological associations and other organisations working for the benefit of nature and climate protection. PGE is also a strategic partner of the League for Nature Protection.

In 2022, PGE cooperated with six national parks: Biebrzański, Świętokrzyski, Roztoczański, Kampinoski, Wigierski and Słowiński National Park, implementing more than 50 projects for biodiversity and environmental education.

The focus of the cooperation is primarily on monitoring the status and abundance of animals and plants in ecosystems as well as dedicated measures to preserve the richness of plants, animals and landscape diversity in individual national parks.

In addition, thanks to the cooperation, three photovoltaic installations were also commissioned, two in the Biebrza National Park and one in the Świętokrzyski National Park, realised with funds from the PGE Foundation and with the substantive support of PGE Energia Odnawialna employees.

In 2022, PGE, as a strategic partner of the League for Nature Protection, participated in environmental, educational and ecological projects carried out by the League. Among the most important of these was the planting of trees in the Zwoleń Forest District on the territory of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom.

As part of the cooperation with the League, the publication of educational boards on birds and children’s eco-fables on the topic of waste management were realised in 2022. The educational boards were distributed to primary school pupils and the eco-fables to pre-school children from establishments cooperating with the regional boards of the League.

PGE also supports protected areas and nature monuments including the Crooked Forest and the Solska Forest.

It carries out activities together with partners, i.e. the Gryfino Municipality, the Gryfino Forest District and the Lublin Ornithological Society. The revitalisation of the Crooked Forest began in 2020. Amongst other things, the project included the creation of two new experimental plantations from seeds harvested from the crooked pines and a new educational trail with infrastructure, which was commissioned in autumn 2022. In July 2022, PGE released a short film showing the secrets behind the creation of this remarkable site.

In the Solska Forest, on the other hand, a project by the Lublin Ornithological Society entitled 'Continuation and consolidation of conservation activities for rare zonal birds in the Solska Forest in the Lublin region’ was implemented in cooperation with PGE. Currently, PGE and the Lublin Ornithological Society are cooperating on a project entitled 'Education and conservation in grazing. Promotion and development of grazing of Polish horses in the Solska Forest”.

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