7.2.1 Depreciation, amortisation, disposal and impairment losses

The following presents depreciation, amortisation, liquidation and impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, right-of-use assets and investment properties in the statement of comprehensive income.

(in PLNm)
Year ended Depreciation, amortisation, disposal Impairment
December 31, 2022 Propert y, plant and equipment  Intangi ble assets  
Right- of-use assets 
Investm ent property  TOTAL Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets TOTAL
Cost of sales 4.089 45 50 2 4.186 87 10 97
Distribution and selling expenses 8 2 4 14
General and administrative expenses 41 7 10 58 2 1 3
RECOGNISED IN PROFIT OR LOSS  4.138 54 64 2 4.258 89 11 100
Change in product inventories (2) (2)
Cost of products and services for internal purposes 14 1 15
TOTAL  4.150 55 64 2 4.271 89 11 100
Other operating expenses 4 4

(in PLNm)
Year ended Depreciation, amortisation, disposal Impairment
December 31, 2021 Propert y, plant and equipment  Intangi ble assets  
Right- of-use assets 
Investm ent property  TOTAL Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets  
Right- of-use assets 
Cost of sales 4.003 59 47 2 4.111 185 28 1 214
Distribution and selling expenses 10 2 2 14 1 1
General and administrative expenses 44 18 10 72
RECOGNISED IN PROFIT OR LOSS 4.057 79 59 2 4.197 186 28 1 215
Change in product inventories 1 1
Cost of products and services for internal purposes 6 6
TOTAL 4.064 79 59 2 4.204 186 28 1 215
Other operating expenses 1 1

Impairment losses recognised in the reporting period concern investment expenditures at units for which impairment had been recognised in previous periods.

In the item 'Depreciation/amortisation and liquidation’ the Group recognised in the current period PLN 44 million net as liquidation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (PLN 33 million in the comparative period).

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