The bill on the amendment to the Energy Law and the Renewable Energy Sources Act.
GLC list: UC74 |
The draft act includes, in particular, proposals for provisions implementing into the Polish legal system Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 5, 2019 on common rules for the internal market in electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU.
The draft expands on the directions of changes in regulations initiated in the act of May 20, 2021 on amendment of the act – Energy Law, and certain other acts. These include:
- the technical ability to change electricity supplier within 24 hours, starting from 2026,
- implementation of civic institutions of energy communities,
- the customer’s right to voluntarily and temporarily reduce electricity consumption (“DSR”), aggregation, contracts with dynamic electricity prices,
- definition of the aggregator’s function on the electricity market, along with its tasks and authorisations,
- definition of demand response and active customer on the energy market,
- allow DSOs and TSOs to own certain energy storage installations,
- expand the Energy Regulatory Office’s authority,
- regulations concerning system services, flexibility services and changes in balancing,
- implementation of provisions introducing the separation of transmission and distribution activities from energy storage – (an energy system operator, with the exceptions provided for in the draft, cannot be the owner of and cannot build, operate or manage an energy storage system).
The deadline for submitting comments was June 23, 2021. On July 6, 2022, the Council of Ministers Committee on Digitalisation approved the draft. The draft is at the stage of work in the European Affairs Committee at the Council of Ministers. |
Referral for work in the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers. |
The proposed solutions will have an impact on all of PGE Group’s operating segments, especially the Supply and Distribution segments. The draft introduces or applies numerous EU laws addressing the electricity market, including directive 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market for electricity, and grid codes. |
The bill on the amendment to the Energy Law and the Renewable Energy Sources Act
GLC list: UD162 |
The bill includes proposals for legislation to abolish the exchange obligation and to tighten liability for electricity market manipulations. The ERO President will have at their disposal appropriate tools to prevent abuses and attempted abuses in the electricity market. According to the explanatory memorandum to the bill, the abolition of the obligation is included in the Polish Electricity Market Reform Implementation Plan. |
At a session on November 4, 2022 the Polish parliament adopted the act. On November 15, 2022 the bill was signed by the President of Poland. |
The bill entered into force on November 29, 2022. |
The change to abolish the exchange obligation will have no adverse impact on the PGE Group’s operations. |

Draft act on amendment of act on renewable energy sources and certain other acts.
Sejm print no.: 1 382 |
The act introduces a change in the settlement method for renewable energy prosumers by replacing the current discount system, which provides for the possibility of storing energy in the grid and consuming it at any other time, with a net billing system, which means that energy is ultimately valued according to the value from the hour of generation and hour of consumption.
Furthermore, the act requires prosumers entering the system from April 1, 2022 to pay a distribution fee (previously paid on behalf of prosumers by energy vendors).
In order to enable vendors to settle with prosumers, the act requires DSOs to provide vendors with detailed metering information. Vendors will be required to provide detailed billing information to prosumers via a dedicated ICT system.
The act also introduces the institution of collective prosumer (entered into force on April 1, 2022) and virtual prosumer (effective from July 2, 2024). |
On December 14, 2021 the President signed the act. The act entered into force on April 1, 2022, with the exception of provisions pertaining to the acquisition of the right to participate in the existing prosumer support system, which went into effect on December 22, 2021 and provisions concerning the virtual prosumer, which will enter into force on July 2, 2024. |
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The draft is of key importance for the Supply segment, which currently has obligations to settle with prosumers and pay a distribution fee on their behalf to DSOs, and for the Distribution segment, which will be required to collect and compile metering data on prosumers. |

Draft act on amendment of the act on renewable energy sources and certain other acts
Government Legislation Centre list: UC99
The act introduces amendments to several acts, including: Energy Law, Environmental Protection Law, in connection with heating going green, and other changes related to the necessity to implement directive RED II (regarding the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources).
Moreover, the act introduces new support systems for biomethane, to modernise RES installations and for existing RES installations to cover operating expenses. The act also changes the definition of hybrid RES installations. |
The draft act was published for consultation on February 25, 2022. It is currently the subject of internal work at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. |
Referral to work in the Committee for European Affairs. |
The draft is of significance for the Renewables segment, especially due to the possibility of using new support systems and for the District Heating segment in terms of increasing the use of heat generated from RES. |
Amendment of the act on investment in wind farms.
GLC ref. no. UD207
Modification of rule 10H – mitigation by allowing municipalities to define in local spatial development plans (after consultation with local communities) a distance less than the statutory distance for wind farms from residential buildings, but not less than 500 m. |
OnDecember 15, 2021, the Joint Commission of the State Government and Local Government issued a positive opinion on the draft. InApril 2022, the draft was transferred from the Ministry of Development and Technology to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. On July 5, 2022, the draft was adopted by the Council of Ministers and referred to the Sejm. |
Parliamentary works. |
The draft is of significance to the development of the Renewable Energy segment. |
Act amending the act on maritime safety and the act on maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and maritime administration.
GLC ref. no. UD232
Sejm print no.: 2071 |
The act contains provisions aimed at ensuring safety during the construction and operation of offshore wind farms in the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea and equipment for the off-take of power from these installations. The legislation provides for the implementation of oversight mechanisms over the design, construction and operation of offshore wind farms, including a certification system and oversight activities related to the investment implementation process. |
On July 7, 2022, the draft was passed by the Sejm. On July 20, 2022 the act was signed by the President of the Republic of Poland. The act entered into force on August 12, 2022. |
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The act is of significance to investments in the development of offshore wind farms. The introduction of excessive certification mechanisms may delay the investment and increase the cost of the investment to develop offshore wind farms. |
Draft Act amending the Act on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme and the Act – Environmental Protection Law |
The aim of the act is to establish national legislation governing the establishment and operation of the Energy Transition Fund. The Energy Transition Fund is to be used to finance investments in the energy and industrials sectors excluding solid fossil fuels, i.e. coal. |
On April 6, 2022, a revised version of the act was published by the Government Legislation Centre. PGE submitted comments on its own and as part of the Polish Association of Combined Heat and Power Plants and the Economic Association of Polish Power Plants. Analysis of the submitted comments is in progress. |
Examination of the draft by the Council of Ministers and referral to the legal affairs committee of the Government Legislation Centre for consideration. |
The draft will be relevant for the entire PGE Group, excluding coal assets. Funds from the Energy Transition Fund will be available to finance investments in the areas: RES, grids, storage, etc. |

Draft Act amending the Act on reserves of crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas and the rules of conduct in situations of a threat to the state’s fuel security and disturbances on the oil market and some other acts.
Government Legislation Centre list: UC52
The draft intending to align the legal order regulating various aspects of ensuring fuel security in the field of natural gas with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 concerning measures to safeguard security of natural gas supply and repealing EU Regulation No 994/2010. The draft introduces a number of recommended solutions that, among other things:
- change the rules for creating and maintaining (strategic) natural gas reserves, which will be the responsibility of the Government’s Strategic Reserve Agency,
- set the volume of natural gas reserves per gas year at 35% of the total demand for type E gas during a period of 30 days of exceptionally high gas demand which may not occur more than once in 20 years,
- a new way of financing natural gas reserves, which will consist of a monthly contribution to a special fund by a gas fee paid by obliged undertakings,
- a protected customer, who, in principle, will not be subject to restrictions on the consumption of natural gas during supply degrees,
- regulate the rules for dealing with natural gas supply emergencies.
The deadline for submitting comments was May 13, 2022. May 30, 2022, comments were published, but without a comment from the draft author. |
Analysis by the Minister of Climate and Environment of the comments submitted as part of the public consultation. |
The project is of significance to trading in gaseous fuels and the generation of electricity and heat in natural gas-fuelled generating units, taking into account the obligation of customers of the transmission service to pay a gas fee and the need to reduce the volumes of gas consumed during the introduction of feed-in stages. |

Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on change in volume share of sum of electricity resulting from redeemed certificates of origin confirming the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2023.
GLC ref. no. 816
The regulation defines the level of obligation to redeem certificates of origin of energy from RES (PM OZE) for the so-called obligated entities in 2023. The regulation reduces the level of obligation for PM OZE from 18.5% in 2022 to 12.5%. At the same time, the rationale to the regulation provides for the possibility to further reduce the obligation level in subsequent years. |
The regulation was adopted on July 13, 2022 and entered into force on August 11, 2022. |
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The reduced level of obligation may lower incremental revenue in the Renewable Energy segment from the sale of PM RES. At the same time, it reduces the burden on the Supply segment with the need to purchase a certain amount of PM OZE in relation to the volume of electricity traded. |
Regulation of Climate and Environment Minister regarding energy market processes.
Government Legislation Centre list: UD603
Regulation of Climate and Environment Minister regarding energy market processes implements the statutory delegation contained in art. 11zh sec. 1 of the act – Energy Law. The regulation is to enable the preparation of IT systems (remote reading systems for electricity distribution system operators and the central energy market information system) in connection with new challenges on the electricity market. The definition of a full catalogue of energy market processes is necessary to ensure the transparency of obligations of all energy market participants, both electricity system users obligated to implement energy market processes through the Central Energy Market Information system („CSIRE”), and for the Energy Market Information Operator („OIRE”) so that it is possible to assess the fulfilment by the above-mentioned entities of the obligations imposed on them.
The regulation will define a catalogue of energy market processes, the implementation of which through CSIRE will be obligatory for system users. The catalogue of energy market processes includes the basic processes currently implemented on the electricity market, taking into account the greatest usefulness of CSIRE for system users.
On January 11, 2022 the Minister of Climate and Environment signed the regulation.
The regulation went into effect on February 16, 2022.. |
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The regulation will have a significant impact primarily on the Distribution segment, but also on the following segments: Conventional Generation, Renewables and Supply. |
Regulation of Climate and Environment Minister regarding metering system
Government Legislation Centre list: UD507
The regulation implements the statutory delegation contained in art. 11x sec. 2 of the act – Energy Law, which imposes on the minister responsible for energy the obligation to regulate therein, in consultation with the minister responsible for computerisation, the detailed requirements and standards to be met by the metering system. In addition, the draft regulation satisfies the obligation specified in art. 19 sec. 3 of Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 5, 2019 on common rules for the internal market in electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU, according to which Member States joining the introduction of smart metering systems adopt and publish minimum requirements functional and technical related to smart metering systems to be introduced in their territories. |
The regulation was issued on March 22, 2022 and entered into force on April 23, 2022.. |
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The regulation will have a significant impact primarily on the Distribution segment, but also on the following segments: Conventional Generation, Renewables and Supply.
As regards the DSO’s activities, it will be necessary to clarify requirements for metering systems, including electricity meters and metering system.
Act on support allowance
RCL register: 1 820
The act is intended to provide support to approx. 6.84 million households in Poland, including the most energy-poor households, by covering a part of their energy expenses and the related growing food prices. |
The act, published in the Journal of Laws of 2022 item 1, entered into force on January 4, 2022. |
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The act generates costs for Supply segment due to new information obligations. |

Draft Regulation on determination of specific conditions for loss of waste status for waste generated from combustion of fuels by energy
Government Legislation Centre list: 655
The aim of the proposed regulation (hereinafter: „draft”) is to set out detailed conditions for the loss of waste status for waste generated in the process of combustion of fuels for energy-generation purposes. The conditions set out in the draft are intended to standardise the procedure for losing the status of waste already existing in business practice on the basis of general conditions for the status of waste (art. 14(1) of the Waste Act), to the extent applicable to waste generated in the process of combustion of fuels for energy-generation purposes. |
On July 4, 2022, the draft was released from the legal committee. The EC notified the draft on July 13, 2022. |
Draft referred for further work in the Council of Ministers. |
The project is important from the point of view of waste/combustion by-product management in PGE Group, especially for the Conventional Generation and District Heating segment. |
Regulation of the Minister for Climate and Environment on defining methods for economic cost-benefit analysis and data or data sources for this analysis.
Government Legislation Centre list: 794
The regulation fulfils the obligation to eliminate an infringement identified by the EC regarding incorrect application and transposition of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
In order to rectify this breach, a delegation for the minister responsible for energy matters to issue a regulation on defining methods for economic cost-benefit analysis and data or data sources for the purpose of this analysis was introduced. The aim of the analysis is to enable a more efficient allocation of resources by demonstrating the superiority of a given project over others from the point of view of social benefits.
On July 1, 2022 the regulation was adopted. It entered into force on July 20, 2022. |
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The regulation is of significance to the District Heating segment. |
Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment amending the regulation on detailed rules for preparing and calculating tariffs and billing for heat supply
Government Legislation Centre list: 795
The regulation intends primarily to:
- definition of the k value, being an element of the formula for calculating the reference index so that the k value can be calculated and published by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office depending on changes in the operating conditions of energy companies that burden the production of heat in cogeneration – for individual types of fuel referred to in art. 23 sec. 2 point 18 letter c of the Energy Law,
- determination of the k value so as to reflect the lack of a full sample of ETS sources in the average heat sale prices published by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.
The regulation was published in the Journal of Laws on March 15, 2022. |
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The draft is relevant to the District Heating segment as it will increase the heat tariff. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister for Climate and the Environment amending the Regulation on detailed rules for shaping and calculating tariffs and settlements for heat supply
Government Legislation Centre list: 916
In order to introduce the possibility of generating revenue that covers the cost of running the business of producing heat in cogeneration units, it is necessary to amend § 13 sec. 6 of the amended regulation in such a way as to reflect the possibility of increasing the planned revenue, in accordance with the reference index published pursuant to art. 47 sec. 2f of the Energy Law by the President of URE, the value of which is determined on the basis of „value k” – i.e. the change in the costs charged to the unit of heat produced in cogeneration units, resulting from a major change in the conditions for energy enterprises to engage in business activity to the extent to which the costs associated with the business activity will be charged to heat production in the period in which the reference index is in force and were not charged to it in the period preceding the period of determining this indicator. |
Public consultation on the draft until September 29, 2022. |
Analysis of comments submitted in the course of the public consultation. |
The draft will increase revenues of CHP units commissioned prior to November 3, 2010. Depending on the final shape of the legislation, there is a risk of reduced revenues as a consequence of lower fuel and CO2 prices. |
Draft Act on amending the Act on maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and maritime administration
Government Legislation Centre list: UD361
The purpose of the draft act is to modify the regulations on issuance of permits for the erection or use of artificial islands, structures and equipment in Polish maritime areas and on issuance of permits or agreements for cables or pipelines concerning a set of equipment for power evacuation. The draft also introduces regulations concerning the settlement of ties in proceedings to resolve applications for the issuance of permits to erect or use artificial islands, structures and equipment in Polish maritime areas. |
The draft was adopted by the Sejm and referred to the Senate on October 27, 2022. |
Consideration of the bill by the Senate. |
The draft is of significance from the viewpoint of PGE Group due to its impact on investments in the construction of offshore wind farms. The draft regulates issues related to the determination procedure, which will be necessary to grant a permit for the erection or use of artificial islands, structures and equipment in Polish maritime areas. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure amending the Regulation on evaluation of applications in settlement procedures
Government Legislation Centre list: 213
The aim of the draft is to clarify the rules for the determination procedure necessary for the selection of an entity that will obtain the permit for the erection or operation of artificial islands, installations and equipment in Polish maritime areas for the construction of offshore wind farms. The draft assumes, inter alia, changes in the scoring for fulfilling the criteria, as well as in the way of assessing the criterion concerning the financing of the planned project. It also resolves issues concerning the submission of documents by entities that prepare financial statements for which the financial year does not coincide with the calendar year. |
On July 29, 2022 the project was signed by the Minister of Infrastructure and published in the Journal of Laws. The regulation entered into force on August 4, 2022.. |
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The draft is important for PGE Group due to its impact on investments in the construction of offshore wind farms. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the method of conducting settlements and balancing of the gas transmission system in periods of mandatory reserves of natural gas and during the period of restrictions in the off-take of natural gas.
Government Legislation Centre list: 821, 929
The draft is intended to set out how settlements are to be carried out for released compulsory natural gas reserves and how the price for gaseous fuels used for these settlements is to be calculated, as well as how balancing of the gas transmission system is to be carried out and how imbalances are to be settled during the release of stocks. The draft sets out formulas for the calculation of:
- fees for collected mandatory reserves,
- fees for the release of mandatory reserves to the relevant entity ordering transmission services,
- fees for balancing activities, taking into account an entity ordering transmission services whose imbalance is negative and positive respectively,
- a fee related to the financial neutrality of balancing during the period of mandatory reserve release.
On May 17, 2022, the draft was published on the Government Legislation Centre’s website and sent for public consultation, which ended on May 20, 2022.
On October 5, 2022, a new draft regulation was published, starting a legislative process. October 10, 2022 was the deadline for comments in the public consultation.
Analysis by the Minister of Climate and Environment of the comments submitted as part of the public consultation. |
The draft is of importance from the point of view of trading in gaseous fuels, given the establishment of a system of settlements between PSE S.A. and the rules of the transmission service for balancing activities undertaken by PSE S.A. |
Draft Act amending the Act on the Management of Agricultural Property of the Treasury and certain other acts
Government Legislation Centre list: UD376
The draft introduces regulations according under which agricultural properties belonging to the Agricultural Property Stock of the Treasury, which include at least 70% of uncultivated land/land of class IV will be able to be leased for the purpose of obtaining electricity from RES. |
On April 19, 2022, the draft was published on the Government Legislation Centre website. On May 10, 2022, the public consultation closed. |
Analysis by the Ministry of the Environment of the comments submitted in the public consultation. |
The draft will make it possible to acquire new land, in particular wasteland included in the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury, for RES investments. |
Draft Act amending the Act on Spatial Planning and Development and certain other acts
Government Legislation Centre list: UD369
The draft introduces the principle that photovoltaic (PV) investments above 1 MW will only be allowed on the basis of a Local Spatial Development Plan. In the absence of an adopted Local Spatial Development Plan, it will not be possible to realise the investment in question on the basis of a decision on development conditions. The draft also provides for the possibility of applying a simplified procedure for the enactment or amendment to the Local Spatial Development Plan, including in the case of PV investments, but this does not apply to investments with significant impact on the environment. |
On September 19, 2022, a new draft law was published on the Government Legislative Centre’s website, that was once again subject to inter-ministerial consultations. Following inter-ministerial consultations, an amended draft act was published on October 25, 2022. The draft was examined by the Digitalisation Committee on November 7, 2022. |
Referred for the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers. |
The draft may slow down PV investments due to necessity to embed such investment in the Local Spatial Development Plan. The average time required to enact the Local Spatial Development Plan is around 3 years. |

Draft Ordinance of the Minister of Climate and Environment amending the Ordinance on fuel reserves at energy companies.
Government Legislation Centre list: 849
The draft regulation differentiates the size of the reserve obligations for energy companies involved in (i) the generation of electricity in Centrally Dispatched Generating Units and (ii) the generation of heat, including cogeneration, or electricity in units other than Centrally Dispatched Generating Units, and introduces new algorithms for determining the size of this obligation for these companies. |
On July 5, 2022 the draft was published on the Government Legislation Centre’s website. On July 12 2022 the public consultation ended. The draft was the subject of a meeting of the Law Committee on September 19, 2022.
Improvement of the draft by the Ministry of Climate and Environment according to the comments of the Law Committee. |
The draft is relevant to electricity and heat generation. Adopting the new rules for determining fuel reserves will mean that they will need to be explicitly replenished for the needs of Centrally Dispatched Generating Units (counting the quantity depends on the installed capacity of the unit), which may be difficult or unfeasible in the face of the present energy crisis. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on reference values for new and substantially modernised cogeneration units in 2023
Government Legislation Centre
The draft implements the statutory mandate contained in art. 15 sec. 7 of the Act of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (Polish Journal of Laws of 2022, item 553), which requires the minister responsible for energy to determine, by means of an Ordinance, by October 31 of each year, the reference values with a breakdown for new cogeneration units and substantially modernised cogeneration units, applicable in the following calendar year. |
The regulation was published in the Journal of Laws on October 31, 2022. |
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The draft affects the District Heating segment through reference values for new and substantially modernised CHP units participating in the support scheme for high-efficiency cogeneration. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the maximum quantity and value of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration covered by support and the unit amounts of the guaranteed bonus in 2023.
Government Legislation Centre list: 928
The draft Ordinance implements the statutory authorisation contained in art. 56 sec. 1 of the Act of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (Polish Journal of Laws of 2022, item 553), which requires the minister responsible for energy to determine, by way of an Ordinance, by October 31 of each year, the maximum quantity and value of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration subject to support, including for cogeneration units located outside the territory of Poland. Additionally, the draft Ordinance sets out the unit amounts of the guaranteed bonus, also for small cogeneration units, and the maximum amount of the individual cogeneration bonus. |
Public consultation on the draft until September 13, 2022. |
Analysis of comments submitted in the course of the public consultation. |
The draft affects the District Heating segment by defining the level of the guaranteed unit bonus and the maximum amount of the individual CHP bonus for units participating in the support system for high-efficiency cogeneration. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the granting of public aid for investment in heating (cooling) sources in district heating systems under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP).
Government Legislation Centre list: 930
The intent of issuing the proposed regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on granting public aid for investments in heating (cooling) sources in district heating systems under the NRP is to specify the detailed purpose, conditions and procedure for granting public aid for investments under the title B 1.1.1. Investments in heating (cooling) sources in district heating systems under the NRP. In the regulated scope, public aid will be granted to investment projects in heating (cooling) sources in district heating systems, concerning generation of energy in high-efficiency co-generation and generation of energy from renewable sources, which will allow the development and modernisation of district heating systems for municipal and household purposes. |
Public consultation until October 16, 2022. |
Analysis of comments submitted in the course of the public consultation. |
The draft affects the co-financing of investments in district heating systems from NRP funds. The District Heating segment may become a beneficiary. |
Draft Regulation of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy on the granting of aid for investment in high-efficiency cogeneration systems and for the promotion of energy from renewable sources under the regional programs for 2021-2027.
Government Legislation Centre list: 37
The goal of this regulation is to create the conditions for supporting the social and economic development of the regions by allowing state aid for investment in high-efficiency cogeneration systems and for the promotion of energy from renewable sources under the regional programs for 2021-2027. |
Public consultation until October 17, 2022. |
Analysis of comments submitted in the course of the public consultation. |
The draft establishes the conditions to enable the granting of public aid for investment in high-efficiency cogeneration systems and for the promotion of energy from renewable sources under the regional programs for 2021-2027. The district heating segment can be a beneficiary. |
Draft Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy on the granting of aid for investments in support of energy efficiency under the regional programs for 2021-2027
Government Legislation Centre list: 40
The aim of the regulation is to create the conditions for supporting social and economic development of regions by allowing public aid to be granted for investments leading to the achievement of energy efficiency as part of the regional programs for 2021-2027. |
Public consultation until October 17, 2022. |
October 17, 2022. |
The draft establishes the conditions for enabling the provision of public aid for investments leading to the achievement of energy efficiency as part of the regional programs for the period 2021-2027. The district heating segment can be a beneficiary. |
Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy on the granting of aid for industrial research, experimental development works and feasibility studies under the regional programs for 2021-2027
Government Legislation Centre list: 42
The aim of the regulation is to create an aid scheme regulating public aid for industrial research, experimental development and feasibility studies under the regional programs for the period 2021-2027. |
Public consultation until October 17, 2022. A table with comments was published on November 2, 2022.
Referred for further work in the committees of the Council of Ministers. |
The draft establishes the conditions to allow public aid for industrial research, experimental development and feasibility studies under the regional programs for 2021-2027. The district heating segment can be a beneficiary. |
Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy on the provision of investment aid for research infrastructure under the regional programs for 2021-2027.
Government Legislation Centre list: 38
The Regulation sets out the specific purpose, conditions and procedure for granting investment aid for research infrastructure to businesses under the regional programs for 2021-2027. |
Public consultation until October 17, 2022. A table with comments was published on November 2, 2022. |
Referred for further work in the committees of the Council of Ministers. |
The project establishes the conditions and modalities for granting investment aid for research infrastructure to entrepreneurs under the regional programs for the period 2021-2027. The district heating segment can become a beneficiary. |