Currency risk is related to the possibility of changes in the financial result due to changes in exchange rates.

The main sources of PGE Group’s exposure to currency risk are presented below:

  • capital expenditures denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • loans and borrowings denominated in foreign currencies;
  • sales and purchases of electricity denominated in foreign currencies (if applicable);
  • fees denominated in or indexed to foreign currency relevant to purchase of transmission capacities (if applicable);
  • sales and purchases of CO2 emission allowances and gas as well as purchases of hard coal denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • expenses related to current use of production goods denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies;
  • financial assets with deposit characteristics denominated in foreign currencies.
  • other operating flows denominated in or indexed to foreign currencies.

PGE Group controls currency risk through a system of limits relating to the maximum potential loss due to changes in exchange rates in related to consolidated exposure to currency risk by PGE Group companies. The measure of foreign exchange risk is based on a size-at-risk methodology understood as the product of the absolute size of the net foreign exchange position and the value of a potential change in the exchange rate.

Moreover, PGE Group sets out hedging strategies for the Group’s currency risk using hedging ratios subject to approval by the Company’s Risk Committee and Management Board. The hedging strategy and level of currency risk are subject to monitoring and are regularly reported to the Risk Committee.

PGE Group companies enter into derivative transactions in currency-based instruments only to hedge identified risk exposures.

The regulations in place at PGE Group do not allow, with respect to currency derivative transactions, to enter into speculative transactions, i.e. transactions aimed at generating additional profits resulting from changes in exchange rates, while exposing the Group to the risk of possible loss from such transactions.

In view of the applied currency risk management strategy based on minimising and hedging currency risk exposures, the cost of servicing liabilities in foreign currencies, in the medium and long term, under conditions of escalating risks related to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, did not change materially, as a result of hedging activities implemented in accordance with previously adopted hedging strategies.

The Group's exposure to currency risk broken down into classes of financial instruments:

 (in PLNm) Total value in the financial statements in PLN CURRENCY POSITION AT DECEMBER 31, 2022
currency PLN currency PLN currency PLN
Trade and other financial receivables: 9.306 284 1.329
Cash and cash equivalents 11.887 397 1.864 90 57 1 5
Derivatives, including: 1.535 2.015 9.450 344 1.514
Carried at fair value through profit or loss 771 344 1.514
Hedging instruments 736 2.015 9.450
Other assets at fair value through profit or loss 28
FINANCIAL ASSETS 22.728 2.696 12.643 90 57 345 1.519
Loans, borrowings, bonds and leases 8.936 141 661 9 40
Trade and other financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 7.185 381 1.784 117 514
Derivatives, including: 1.934 3.871 18.155 1.164 5.124
Carried at fair value through profit or loss 1.230 1.164 5.124
Hedging instruments  704 3.871 18.155
FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 18.055 4.393 20.600 1.290 5.678
The book value of derivatives constitutes their fair value measurement. The value of exposure to currency risk for forwards constitutes their nominal value in currency. The currency risk exposure value for CCIRS derivatives is the value in the currency of the discounted cash flows of the currency leg.

 (in PLNm) Total value in the financial statements in PLN CURRENCY POSITION AT DECEMBER 31, 2021
currency PLN currency PLN currency PLN
Trade and other financial receivables: 7.931 374 1.718
Cash and cash equivalents 6.733 186 856 174 108
Derivatives, including: 939 4.144 19.060 45 182
Carried at fair value through profit or loss 108 37 150
Hedging instruments 801 4.144 19.060 8 32
Other assets at fair value through profit or loss 30
FINANCIAL ASSETS 15.603 4.704 21.634 174 108 45 182
Loans, borrowings, bonds and leases 10.826 170 779 33 135
Trade and other financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 5.118 417 1.918 16 10 8 33
Derivatives, including: 83 766 3.523 90 365
Carried at fair value through profit or loss 49 90 365
Hedging instruments  34 766 3.523
FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 16.027 1.353 6.220 16 10 131 533
The book value of derivatives constitutes their fair value measurement. The value of exposure to currency risk for forwards constitutes their nominal value in currency. The value of exposure to risk currency for CCIRS constitutes a value in the currency of discounted cash flows in the currency leg.

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