22. Employee benefits

The amount of actuarial provisions for post-employment benefits recognised in the financial statements results from the valuation prepared by an independent actuary.

Key actuarial assumptions related to the calculation of provisions as at the reporting date are as follows:

As at December 31, 2022 As at December 31, 2021
Expected inflation rate (%) 13,70 in 2023 5,05 in 2024 3,00 in 2025, 2,50 in 2026 and subsequent years 4,45% in 2022, 3,35% in 2023, 2,5% in 2024 and in subsequent years
Discount rate (%) 7,0 3,6
Expected salary growth rate (%) 3,8 – 5,0 1,36 – 2,80
Employee turnover (%) 0,0 – 8,2 0,2 – 9,8
 Expected medical care costs growth rate (%) 0,0 – 14,5 -22,34* in 2022; 2,5% in subsequent years
Expected Social Fund allowance growth rate (%) 0,0 – 10 4,5 – 7,27
*The change is mainly due to a change in medical provider.
  • The probability of employees leaving was based on the Group’s historical staff turnover data.
  • Mortality and survival probability have been adopted from the Life Expectancy Tables published by Central Statistical Office of Poland, assuming that the population of the Group’s employees corresponds, in respect of mortality, to the average in Poland.
  • A statutory mode of retirement for employees was adopted according to the detailed rules contained in the Act amending the Act on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and certain other acts of November 16, 2016.
  • A discount rate of 7.0% (December 31, 2021: 3.6%), i.e. at the level of the yield on long-term securities issued by the State Treasury and quoted on the Polish capital market, was used to discount future benefit payments at the reporting date.

Current book value of provisions for post-employment benefits and jubilee awards

 (in PLNm) At December 31, 2022 At December 31, 2021
Non-current Current Non-current Current
Retirement, pension and post-mortem benefits 460 103 462 101
Coal subsidy 72 9 100 9
Energy tariff 678 47 743 38
Social Fund 254 19 356 18
Medical benefits 43 4 54 4
Total post-employment benefits 1.507 182 1.715 170
Jubilee awards 681 116 666 106

Change in provisions for employee benefits

 (in PLNm) Retirement, pension and post-
mortem benefits
Coal subsidy Energy tariff Social Fund Medical benefits Jubilee awards Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2022 563 109 781 374 58 772 2.657
Actuarial gains and losses 137 (4) 225 11 4 232 605
Discount rate adjustment (123) (20) (287) (109) (13) (159) (711)
Current employment costs 22 1 11 4 1 41 80
Past employment costs (1) (1)
Interest costs 20 4 28 13 2 28 95
Benefits paid / Provisions used (54) (9) (33) (19) (3) (116) (234)
Changes in Group composition (1) (1) (1) (3)
Other changes (2) (2)
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2022 563 81 725 273 47 797 2.486
Change recognised in operating expenses (21) (1) (11) (4) (1) (114) (152)
Change recognised in financial income/(costs) (20) (4) (28) (13) (2) (28) (95)
Change recognised in other comprehensive income (14) 24 62 98 9 179

 (in PLNm) Retirement, pension and post-
mortem benefits
Coal subsidy Energy tariff Social Fund Medical benefits Jubilee awards Total
AS AT JANUARY 1, 2021 662 141 983 518 75 904 3.283
Actuarial gains and losses 31 (4) 115 14 (1) 54 209
Discount rate adjustment (99) (21) (290) (135) (14) (119) (678)
Current employment costs 23 1 16 6 1 39 86
Past employment costs (3) (25) (19) (4) (51)
Interest costs 8 2 12 7 1 12 42
Benefits paid / Provisions used (60) (9) (30) (17) (3) (114) (233)
Changes in Group composition (1) (1)
Other changes 2 (1) (1)
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2021 563 109 781 374 58 772 2.657
Change recognised in operating expenses (20) (1) 9 13 (1) 30 30
Change recognised in financial income/(costs) (8) (2) (12) (7) (1) (12) (42)
Change recognised in other comprehensive income 68 25 175 121 15 404

Sensitivity analysis of the value of actuarial provisions as at December 31, 2022, for changes in key assumptions:

 (in PLNm) Carrying amount Discount rate Expected average growth
rate of the basis of calculation
-1 p.p. + 1 p.p. -1 p.p. + 1 p.p.
Retirement, pension and post-mortem benefits 563 31 (30) (31) 31
Coal subsidy 81 5 (5) (5) 6
Energy tariff 725 69 (58) (61) 72
Social Fund 273 26 (22) (22) 25
Medical benefits 47 4 (3) (3) 4
Jubilee awards 797 42 (39) (39) 42
TOTAL 2.486 177 (157) (161) 180

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