35. Glossary of terms and abbreviations

Presented below is a set of the most frequently used terms and abbreviations in these consolidated financial statements.

Abbreviation Full term
CCIRS Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap
CGU Cash Generating Unit
EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Taxes
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
EPS 550 Carbon dioxide emission criterion per unit of electricity produced, introduced as part of the so-called „Winter Package”, conditioning the participation of generating units in the capacity market – this limit is 550 gCO2/kWh.
ENESTA ENESTA sp. z o.o in restructuring
EUA European Union Allowances
EWB2, EWB3 Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica–2 sp. z o.o., Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica–3 sp. z o.o.
MLF Mine Liquidation Fund
Fund Price Difference Payment Fund
PGE Group, Group PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. Group
IRGiT Izba Rozliczeniowa Giełd Towarowych S.A.
IRS Interest Rate Swap
LTC Long-term capacity and electricity sale contracts
IFRIC Interpretations by the IFRS Interpretations Committee
KOGENARACJA S.A. Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENARACJA S.A.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS EU International Financial Reporting Standards approved by the European Union
NABE Narodowa Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego S.A.
NFOŚiGW National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
TSO Transmission System Operator
BCP Business Continuity Plan
PGE S.A., Spółka, jednostka dominująca PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A
PGE EC S.A. PGE Energia Cieplna S.A.
PGE EO S.A. PGE Energia Odnawialna S.A.
PGE GiEK S.A. PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A.
PGNiG Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A.
PWUG Prawo wieczystego użytkowania gruntu
RAT Rzeczowe aktywa trwałe
Financial statements, consolidated financial statements PGE Group’s consolidated financial statements
TGE Towarowa Giełda Energii
URE Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (Energy Regulatory Office)
Law for households Act of 7 October 2022 on special solutions for the protection of electricity consumers in 2023 in connection with the situation on the electricity market (Dz.U.2023.269 t.j. of 2023.02.09)
Emergency measures act 2023 Act of 27 October 2022 on emergency measures to reduce the level of electricity prices and support for certain consumers in 2023 (Journal of Laws 2022.2243 of 2022.11.03)
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WFOŚiGW Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
Social Fund Social Fund

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