PGE Group’s selected consolidated financial data

 (in PLNm) Year ended December 31 Year ended December 31
2022 2021
restated data*
2022 2021
restated data*
PLN million EUR million
Revenue from sales 73.435  52.772  15.663  11.529 
Operating profit 4.299 5.123 917 1.119
Gross profit 4.110 4.871 877 1.064
Net profit   3.390  3.945  723  862 
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company 3.328 3.972 710 868
Comprehensive income 2.897 4.904 618 1.071
Net cash from operating activities 11.609 7.439 2.476 1.625
Net cash from investing activities (7.296) (4.367) (1.556) (954)
Net cash from financing activities 841 (528) 179 (115)
Net change in cash and equivalents 5.154 2.544 1.099 556
Net profit per share attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN/EUR per share)  1,56  2,12  0,33  0,46 
Diluted net profit per share attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN/EUR per share) 1,56  2,12  0,33  0,46 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used to calculate profit per share 2.129.990.555 1.869.760.829 2.129.990.555 1.869.760.829
* restatement of comparative data is described in note 5 of these consolidated financial statements.

 (in PLNm) As at As at
December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 restated data* December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 restated data*
PLN million EUR million
Non-current assets 71.732 66.547 15.295 14.469
Non-current assets 34.027 22.714 7.255 4.938
Assets classified as held for sale 19 13 4 3
Total assets  105.778 89.274 22.554 19.410
Equity 54.383 48.291 11.596 10.499
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company 53.538 47.494 11.416 10.326
Share capital  19.184 19.165 4.090 4.167
Non-current liabilities 16.099 19.159 3.432 4.166
Current liabilities 35.296 21.824 7.526 4.745
Number of shares at the end of the reporting period 2.243.712.994 1.869.760.829 2.243.712.994 1.869.760.829
Book value per share (in PLN/EUR per share) 23,86 25,40 5,09 5,52
Diluted book value per share (in PLN/EUR per share) 23,86 25,40 5,09 5,52
* restatement of comparative data is described in note 5 of these consolidated financial statements.

The above financial data was converted into EUR in accordance with the following rules: 

  • asset and equity and liability items – at the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland for December 31, 2022 – EURPLN 4.6899 and for December 31, 2021 – EURPLN 4.5994. 
  • items in the statement of comprehensive income and statement of cash flows – at an exchange rate constituting the arithmetic mean of the average exchange rates published by the National Bank of Poland for the last day of each month in the financial year from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 EURPLN 4.6883; for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 – EURPLN 4.5775. 

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