Capital expenditures 2022


In 2022, PGE Group’s capital expenditures reached approx. PLN 7.1 billion
(up 51% year-on-year).

Approx. 62% of expenditure in Conventional Generational, District Heating, Renewables and Other Activity (production capacities) and Distribution was for new projects and approx. 38% for modernisation and repairs.

Key projects CAPEX in 2022
Construction of CCGT units in PGE Gryfino PLN 2.0 bn
Construction of New Czechnica CHP plant PLN 392 m
Modernisation of distribution assets PLN 1 407 m
New projects in Distribution segment PLN 1 154 m

The construction of two gas-steam units at PGE Gryfino 2050 was the largest ongoing investment project in the PGE Group in 2022. The investment involves the construction of two new gas and steam units with a capacity of 671 MWe each. In 2022 the key elements of the engine room of unit 9 and unit 10 were placed on foundations, and assembly work of the entire turbine set was in progress.

At the beginning of December 2022, voltage tests for the generators were successfully completed, in January 2023 deliveries of gas compressors were made, further pressure tests of the boilers were carried out, and cabling began. As regards the construction of the gas connection – assemblies were underway – approx. 80% of the gas pipeline route was completed.

Building and ancillary works continued. The material advancement of the project at the end of 2022 was more than 85%. The units are scheduled for commissioning in April 2024.

Capital expenditures by operating segment

Segment (PLNm) Q4 2022 Q4 2021 y/y 12M 2022 12M 2021 y/y
Conventional Generation 350 50 600% 750 1 759 -57%
District Heating 618 236 162% 1 140 610 87%
Distribution, including: 1 361 440 209% 2 576 1 358 90%
Connection of new customers 490 210 133% 1 097 626 75%
Distribution lines and grids 577 134 331% 956 359 166%
Renewables, including: 258 85 204% 458 189 142%
Modernisations and replacements 51 27 89% 105 86 22%
Supply, Circular Economy and other 682 810 -16% 2 233 862 159%
TOTAL 3 269 1 621 102% 7 157 4 778 50%
TOTAL (including consolidation adjustments) 3 219 1 593 102% 7 053 4 662 51%
* In Q4 2021, the project to build units at the Dolna Odra plant was transferred from Conventional Generation to Other Activity (along with all capital expenditure incurred in the previous quarters of 2021)

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