PGE is the leader in onshore wind energy. But we are not stopping. We are striving to make optimal use of this technology also on the sites of our current conventional power plants.
As announced, we closed the acquisition of three onshore wind farms by the end of Q2 2022. The investment, with a total capacity of 84.2 MW, is part of the implementation of our business strategy, according to which we will have 1.5 GW of installed capacity in onshore wind farms by 2030. Already with an installed capacity of over 770 MW in wind, we are the leader in renewable energy in Poland.
At the end of 2021, PGE Group had 17 wind farms with a total capacity of 688 MW. Increase of owned zero-carbon capacity in onshore wind farms is planned through own projects but also via acquisitions of operational wind farms and projects at the building permit stage or repowering of existing assets.
In June 2022, we finalised the acquisition of three onshore wind farms with a capacity of 84.2 MW. For PGE Group, this acquisition means an increase in installed capacity from 688 MW to 772 MW of onshore technology and an increase in market share from 9.6% to 10.8%.
The farms acquired by our Group are located in three different voivodeships: the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship (36.9 MW WF Radzyń), the Łódzkie voivodeship (22 MW WF Ścieki) and the Wielkopolskie voivodeship (25.3 MW WF Jóźwin). This amounts to a total of 32 turbines with an overall capacity of 84.2 MW and an average annual production of 240,000 MWh, making it possible to supply electricity to 120,000 households, i.e. a city the size of Lublin. The farms have long-term contracts for the purchase of green electricity by external customers, which partially secure the volumes produced until as late as 2030. They will benefit from a support scheme in the form of green certificates until around 2030.
These farms are characterised by high productivity, in particular the Radzyń site, whose net capacity utilisation of over 3,400 full load hours (FLH) is close to the values achieved by offshore wind farms. In addition, the Ścieki farm is located in the immediate vicinity of the Skoczykłody wind farm acquired by PGE in 2020, which will generate additional synergies in their operation within the Group.
The acquisition of three wind farms in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Łódzkie and Wielkopolskie provinces is not the end of our investment plans. We will pursue them in two tracks. On the one hand, we intend to build new power plants, and on the other hand, to acquire ready-made projects such as the one in Radzyń Chełmiński.