6.1 Information on operating segments

Information on operating segments for 2022

(in PLNm) Conventional Generation District Heating Renewables Supply Distribution Circular Economy Other activity Adjustments Total
Sales to external customers 32.864 5.345 2.220 26.093 6.723 153 29 8 73.435
Sales to external customers 3.596 2.345 1.181 20.473 80 201 288 (28.164)
TOTAL SEGMENT REVENUE    36.460  7.690  3.401  46.566  6.803  354  317  (28.156)  73.435 
Cost of sales (36.262) (8.097) (1.784) (42.533) (4.886) (256) (275) 26.399 (67.694)
EBIT  127  (713)  1.440  2.010  1.616  28  (215)  4.299 
Depreciation, amortisation, disposal and impairment losses recognised in profit or loss 1.938 752 355 33 1.234 9 51 (14) 4.358
EBITDA  2.065  39  1.795  2.043  2.850  37  57  (229)  8.657 
GROSS PROFIT –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  4.110 
Income tax (720)
NET PROFIT   –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  3.390 
Segment assets excluding property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment properties, right-of-use assets and trade receivables 6.926 1.998 300 3.018 60 13 296 244 12.855
Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment properties, right-of-
use assets and trade receivables
29.259 7.626 4.673 313 21.333 69 3.210 (26) 66.457
Trade receivables 1.262 1.242 274 7.744 1.308 84 49 (5.446) 6.517
Shares accounted for using the equity method 180
Unallocated assets 19.769
TOTAL ASSETS   –  –  –  –  –  –  –  105.778 
Segment liabilities excluding trade liabilities 25.261 3.514 863 6.907 2.552 57 78 (3.011) 36.221
Trade liabilities 1.681 1.612 119 5.124 437 67 45 (5.981) 3.104
Unallocated liabilities 12.070
TOTAL LIABILITIES  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  51.395 
Capital expenditures 745 1.140 458 14 2.572 16 2.195 (104) 7.036
Increases in right-of-use assets 5 3 4 5 17
TOTAL INVESTMENT EXPENDITURES 750  1.140  458  17  2.576  16  2.200  (104)  7.053 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment properties as part of acquisition of new companies 1.116 1.116
Impairment losses on financial and non- financial assets 618 (111) 144 16 (1) 2 11 679
Other non-monetary expenses* 17.496 2.205 (89) 1.041 24 10 25 (244) 20.468
* Non-monetary expenses include mainly changes in provisions such as: rehabilitation provision, provision for CO2 emission rights, provision for seniority bonuses, employee tariff and non-financial liabilities concerning employee benefits that are recognised in profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

Information on operating segments for 2021

(in PLNm)
restated data  Conventional Generation District Heating Renewables Supply Distribution Circular Economy Other activity Adjustments Total
Sales to external customers 18.772 4.019 1.050 22.260 6.415 137 110 9 52.772
Inter-segment sales 9.992 2.220 622 15.963 77 174 322 (29.370)
TOTAL SEGMENT REVENUE    28.764  6.239  1.672  38.223  6.492  311  432  (29.361)  52.772 
Cost of sales (29.956) (5.690) (912) (35.496) (4.738) (227) (383) 28.239 (49.163)
EBIT  1.998  104  686  794  1.559  36  (2)  (52)  5.123 
Depreciation, amortisation, disposal and impairment losses recognised in profit or loss 2.080 701 330 33 1.220 9 62 (23) 4.412
EBITDA   4.078  805  1.016  827  2.779  45  60  (75)  9.535 
GROSS PROFIT  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  4.871 
Income tax (926)
NET PROFIT   –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  3.945 
ASSETS AND LIABILITIES –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  – 
Segment assets excluding property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment
properties, right-of-use assets and trade receivables
5.961 1.433 127 1.250 40 10 685 (301) 9.205
Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment properties, right-of-use assets and trade receivables 31.097 7.247 4.111 325 19.857 61 1.163 (758) 63.103
Trade receivables 7.383 1.399 358 11.025 958 71 59 (17.044) 4.209
Shares accounted for using the equity method 156
Unallocated assets 12.601
TOTAL ASSETS  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  89.274 
Segment liabilities, except for trade liabilities 18.776 2.742 578 5.705 2.243 50 274 (2.324) 28.044
Trade liabilities 5.648 1.821 133 10.888 402 51 30 (17.365) 1.608
Unallocated liabilities 11.331
TOTAL LIABILITIES  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  40.983 
Capital expenditures 1.758 608 189 8 1.354 9 838 (116) 4.648
Increases in right-of-use assets 1 2 4 7 14
TOTAL INVESTMENT EXPENDITURES  1.759  610  189  1.358  845  (116)  4.662 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment properties as part of acquisition of new companies 81 81
Impairment losses on financial and non- financial assets 219 128 (45) (26) 6 1 6 289
Other non-monetary expenses* 9.185 1.362 19 1.417 (109) 1 19 (95) 11.799
* Non-monetary changes include mainly changes in provisions such as: rehabilitation provision, provision for CO2 emission allowances, provision for seniority bonuses, employee tariff and non-financial liabilities concerning employee benefits that are recognised in profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

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