Issues related to the mergers and acquisitions of business units are generally regulated by International Financial Reporting Standard 3 Business Combinations. However, the scope of this standard does not include transactions among entities under common control. The entities that later formed PGE Group were controlled by the State Treasury. This transaction thus, according to the Company, meets the definition of transaction under joint control and is therefore excluded from IFRS 3.
The aforementioned mergers of the entities under common control were accounted for by the pooling of interests method and thus the consolidated financial statements reflect the fact of the common control continuity and does not present the changes in the net asset value to fair value (or recognition of new assets), or valuation of the goodwill.
Further mergers and acquisitions within PGE Group were recognised as transactions concluded between jointly controlled entities, therefore should be accounted within the equity of PGE Group, not affecting the goodwill.
The purchase of companies from third parties is accounted for using the acquisition method in line with IFRS 3.