30. Tax settlements
Tax obligations and rights are specified in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, tax regulations and ratified international agreements. According to the tax code, tax is defined as public, unpaid, obligatory and non-returnable cash liability toward the State Treasury, provincial or other regional authorities resulting from the tax regulation. Taking into account the subject criterion, the current taxes in Poland can be divided into five groups: income tax, turnover tax, asset tax, activity tax and other fees not classified elsewhere.
From the point of view of business entities, the most important is the taxation of incomes (corporate income tax), taxation of turnover (value added tax, excise tax) followed by taxation of assets (real estate tax and vehicle tax). Other payments classified as quasi – taxes must also be mentioned Among these there are social security charges.
The basic tax rates were as follows: corporate income tax rate – 19%, for smaller enterprises a 9% rate is possible; basic value added tax rate – 23%, reduced: 8%, 5%, 0%, furthermore some goods and products are subject to a VAT tax exemption.
The tax system in Poland is characterised by significant volatility and complexity of tax regulations, steep potential penalties for tax offences or crimes. Tax settlements and other activity areas subject to regulations (customs or currency controls) may be the subject of inspections by relevant authorities authorised to issue fines and penalties with interest. These inspections may cover tax settlements for a five-year period after the end of calendar year in which the tax was due.
Tax group
An agreement of September 18, 2014 on a tax group entitled “Tax Capital Group PGK PGE 2015” was in effect in previous years. Pursuant to an annex of July 28, 2021, the term of the agreement was reduced from 25 years to 7 years. “Tax Capital Group PGK PGE 2015” no longer exists as of December 31, 2021. From January 1, 2022, all companies included in the tax group agreement have become independent CIT taxpayers again.
VAT split payment mechanism, requirement to make payments to accounts registered with tax offices
The Group intends to effectively use the funds received from counterparties in VAT accounts to pay its liabilities that contain VAT. The level of funds in these VAT accounts on any given day depends mainly on how many of PGE Group’s counterparties decide to use this mechanism and the relation between the payment deadlines for receivables and liabilities. As at December 31, 2021, the cash balance in VAT accounts was PLN 794 million.
Reporting of tax arrangements (MDR)
In 2019, new regulations introduced mandatory reporting of tax arrangements (Mandatory Disclosure Rules – MDR). In principle, a tax arrangement should be understood as any activity of which the main or one of the main benefits is is the obtaining of a tax advantage. In addition, events with so-called special or other distinctive hallmarks, as defined in the legislation, have been identified as a tax scheme. Three types of entities are subject to the reporting obligation: promoter, supporter and beneficiary. MDR regulations are complex and imprecise in numerous areas, which gives rise to interpretation doubts as to their practical application.
Excise tax
In connection with an incorrect implementation of EU regulations in the Polish legal system, PGE GiEK
S.A. in 2009 initiated proceedings regarding reimbursement of improperly paid excise tax for the period January 2006 – February 2009. The irregularity consisted of taxing electricity at the first stage of sale, i.e. by producers, whereas sales to end users should have been taxed.
Examining the company’s complaints with regard to the restitution claims against decisions issued by tax authorities refusing to confirm overpayment of excise tax, administrative courts ruled that the company did not bear the economic burden of the improperly calculated excise tax (which in the context of the resolution by the Supreme Administrative Court of June 22, 2011, file no. I GPS 1/11, precludes the return of overpaid amounts). According to the Supreme Administrative Court, the claims that the company sought, especially using economic analyses, are of an offsetting nature and therefore may be sought only in civil courts. Given the above, PGE GiEK S.A. decided to withdraw from the proceedings as regards restitution claims. Activities concerning the excess excise tax are currently being conducted in civil courts. On January 10, 2020 the District Court in Warsaw issued a ruling in a case brought by PGE GiEK S.A. against the State Treasury – Minister of Finance. The court dismissed the case. On February 3, 2020 the company filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals in Warsaw against the first- instance ruling. The session was held on December 2, 2020, after which the Court of Appeals in Warsaw rejected PGE GiEK’s appeal in a ruling dated December 17, 2020. On April 23, 2021, PGE GiEK S.A. submitted a cassation complaint to the Supreme Court. On May 20, 2021 PGE GiEK received a response from the general prosecutor’s office regarding the company’s cassation complaint.
Given the significant uncertainty over the final ruling in this issue, the Group does not recognise in its financial statements any effects related to potential compensation in civil courts in connection with the improperly paid excise tax.
Real estate tax
Real estate tax constitutes a considerable burden for certain PGE Group companies. Regulations on the real estate tax are unclear in some areas and give rise to a range of interpretation doubts. Tax authorities such as municipality head, city mayor or president, often issue inconsistent tax interpretations in substantively similar cases. This means that PGE Group companies were and can be parties in proceedings relating to real estate tax. If the Group concludes that an adjustment of settlements is probable as a result of such a proceeding, it creates an appropriate provision.
Uncertainty concerning tax settlements
Regulations concerning tax on goods and services, corporate income tax and burdens related to social insurance are subject to frequent changes. These frequent changes result in a lack of reference points, inconsistent interpretations and few precedents that can be applied. The existing regulations also contain uncertainties that result in differing opinions as to legal interpretation of tax regulations both between state organs and between state organs and companies.
Taxation and other areas of activity (for example, customs and foreign exchange) may be audited by the authorities, which have the power to impose heavy fines and penalties, and any additional tax liabilities arising from an audit must be paid with high interest. These conditions make tax risk in Poland higher than in countries with a more stable tax system.
In consequence, the amounts presented and disclosed in financial statements may change in the future as a result of a final decision by a tax control organ.
The Tax Ordinance Act contains provisions from the General Anti-Abuse Clause (GAAR). GAAR is intended to prevent the formation and use of artificial legal structures created in order to avoid paying tax in Poland. GAAR defines tax avoidance as an activity performed primarily to obtain a tax benefit contrary under the circumstances to the subject and aim of the tax law. According to GAAR, such an activity does not result in a tax benefit if it is artificial. All proceedings regarding unjustified division of operations, involving intermediaries despite a lack of economic justification, mutually offsetting elements or other similar activities may be treated as a condition for the existence of artificial activities subject to GAAR. These new regulations will require a much greater judgement in assessing the tax effects of transactions.
The GAAR clause is to be applied in relation to transactions executed after its entry into force and to transactions that were executed prior to its entry into force but in the case of which tax benefits were or continue to be obtained after GAAR went into force. The implementation of these regulations will make it possible for Polish tax inspection authorities to question legal arrangements and agreements made by taxpayers such as group restructuring and reorganisation.
The Group recognises and measures current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities using IAS 12 Income tax based on profit (tax loss), tax base, unsettled tax losses, unused tax exemptions and tax rates, taking into account assessment of uncertainties related to tax settlements. If there is uncertainty over where or not and in what scope the tax authority will accept tax accounting for transactions, the Group recognises these settlements taking into account an uncertainty assessment.