26.3.1 Trade receivables. Other loans and financial receivables


Financial receivables

Financial receivables, including trade receivables, are measured at fair value at inception and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest rate including allowance for expected credit losses.

The Group uses simplified methods for the measurement of receivables measured at amortised cost if this does not distort the information contained in the statement of financial position, in particular if the period until repayment of the receivables is not long.
The Group does not monitor changes in the level of credit risk over the life of the instrument. The expected credit loss is estimated to the maturity of the instrument.

The Companies apply the following policies for estimating and recognising impairment losses on financial receivables:

  • for receivables from significant customers that are subject to credit risk assessment procedures, the Companies estimate the expected credit losses based on a model to assess this risk based on the ratings assigned to each counterparty; the ratings are assigned a probability of failure that is adjusted for the impact of macroeconomic factors;
  • for receivables from bulk customers or those not covered by the credit risk assessment process, the Companies estimate expected credit losses based on an analysis of the probability of incurring credit losses in each age bracket;
    in justified cases the Companies may estimate the value of the impairment loss individually.
  • Impairment allowances on receivables are recognised as other operating costs or financial costs. Non- current receivables are measured at present (discounted) value.

Ratios used to estimate expected losses calculated according to the following provision matrix:

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
(in PLNm) Amount of impairment % of impairment Amount of impairment % of impairment
Receivables before due date 463 0,0 – 79,39/ 100 462 0,0 – 0,14/ 100
Past due <30 days 8 0,0 – 79,39/ 100 5 0,0 – 2,5/ 100
Past due 30-90 days 18 0,0 – 59,47/ 100 7 0,0 – 10,2/ 100
Past due 90-180 days 28 100,0 20 100,0
Past due 90-180 days 651 100,0 46 100,0
Past due 90-180 days 275 100,0 385 100,0

The impairment loss applies to receivables subject to matrix and individual impairment loss (100%). The Group does not have any significant items of receivables, past due more than 90 days, that were not subject to a 100% write-down at the reporting date.

Indicators used to estimate expected loss values calculated according to the model for key customers:

Rating level December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
Amount of impairment % of impairment Amount of impairment % of impairment
Highest AAA to AA- according to S&P and Fitch, and Aaa to Aa3 according to Moody’s
Medium high 
A+ to A- according to S&P and Fitch, and A1 to A3 according to Moody’s
BBB+ to BBB- according to S&P and Fitch, and Baa1 to Baa3 according to Moody’s
<1 100,0 <1 100,0

Trade receivables typically have a 14-21-day payment deadline. In 2022, PGE Group waited an average of 28 days for repayment of receivables. Trade receivables relate mainly to receivables for energy sold and distribution services. According to PGE Group’s management, there are no additional risks of non- repayment of receivables above the level determined by the impairment loss.

PGE Group mitigates and controls credit risk related to commercial transactions in accordance with harmonised credit risk management rules implemented at all key PGE Group companies. For commercial transactions that, due to their high value, may generate significant losses as a result of counterparty default, a counterparty assessment taking into account financial analysis, counterparty credit history and other factors is carried out before entering into the transaction. Based on the assessment, an internal rating is recognised or PGE Group uses a rating determined by an independent reputable agency. A limit for the contractor is set based on the rating. Entering into contracts that would increase exposure above the limit, requires in principle the collateral in line with PGE Group’s rules pertaining to credit risk management. The level of used limit is regularly monitored and reported and if it is substantially exceeded, units responsible for counterparty risk are required to undertake measures to eliminate them. PGE Group regularly monitors payments of receivables and uses system of early debt recovery, taking into consideration deadlines arising from the energy law and high level of repayment of receivables with short term of expire. It also works with business intelligence agencies and debt collection companies.

Credit risk relating to trade receivables by geographical region is presented in the table below:

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
Receivables balance
(in PLNm)
% share Receivables balance
(in PLNm)
% share
Poland 6.515 100% 4.178 99%
Germany 2 0% 31 1%
TOTAL 6.517 100% 4.209 100%

Ageing of receivables and impairment

Certain financial assets were covered by impairment losses as of December 31, 2022. The change in allowances accounts for these classes of financial instruments is presented in the table below:

(in PLNm)
Trade receivables Other financial receivables Bonds Total financial assets
Impairment as of January 1 (150) (389) (386) (925)
Use of impairment losses 15 6 21
Reversal of impairment losses 94 169 263
Recognition of impairment losses (206) (600) (806)
Other changes 4 2
Impairment as of December 31 (243) (814) (386) (1.443)
Value prior to impairment 6.760 3.380 386 10.526
Net value (carrying amount) 6.517 2.566 9.083

Impairment of trade receivables concerns the Supply segment. The total amount of trade receivables impairment at these companies as at December 31, 2022 was PLN 235 million (PLN 147 million in 2021).

The Group does not have any significant items of receivables that were significantly past due as at the reporting date but not subject to an impairment loss.

(in PLNm)
Trade receivables Other financial receivables Bonds Total financial assets
Impairment as of January 1 (202) (300) (386) (888)
Use of impairment losses 37 8 45
Reversal of impairment losses 70 32 102
Recognition of impairment losses (59) (133) (192)
Other changes 4 4 8
Impairment as of December 31 (150) (389) (386) (925)
Value prior to impairment 4.359 4.111 386 8.856
Net value (carrying amount) 4.209 3.722 7.931

Analysis of ageing structure of trade receivables and other loans and receivables taking into account impairment allowances is presented below:

(in PLNm) December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021
 Gross Impairment Net carrying amount  Gross Impairment Net carrying amount
Receivables before due date 9.466 (463) 9.003 8.058 (462) 7.596
Past due <30 days 229 (8) 221 184 (5) 179
Past due 30-90 days 92 (18) 74 46 (7) 39
Past due 90-180 days 28 (28) 22 (20) 2
Past due 180-360 days 651 (651) 52 (46) 6
Past due >360 days 283 (275) 8 494 (385) 109
Receivables past due, total 1.283 (980) 303 798 (463) 335
Total financial assets 10.749 (1.443) 9.306 8.856 (925) 7.931

As at December 31, 2021, more than 72% of overdue trade receivables and other loans and receivables that were not covered by impairment losses concerned sale of energy to end-users.

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