(in PLNm) As at
December 31, 2022
As at
December 31, 2021
Difference between tax value and carrying amount of property, plant and equipment 4.807 4.938
CO2 emission allowances 795 792
Difference between tax value and present carrying amount of financial assets 951 1.012
Difference between carrying amount and tax value of lease liabilities 235 190
Receivables from recognised compensation – Act on electricity prices 103
Receivables for recognised compensation under the Law on Preferential Purchase of Solid Fuel 25
Difference between tax value and carrying amount of energy origin units 20 15
Difference between tax value and present carrying amount of financial liabilities 30 11
Other 121 64

Change in deferred income tax - liabilities

(in PLNm) Year ended
December 31, 2022
Year ended
December 31, 2021
restated data
AS AT JANUARY 1 7.022 6.213
Change in correspondence to financial result 183 663
Change in correspondence to other comprehensive income (148) 145
Changes in Group composition 28
Other changes 2 1
AS AT DECEMBER 31 7.087 7.022

Changes in correspondence with other comprehensive income relate to the change in deferred tax on the valuation of hedging instruments. Other changes in each item have been recognised in the financial result.

The Group does not recognise a deferred tax liability for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates because it is not probable that the differences will reverse in the foreseeable future. Deductible temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries and associates would amount to PLN 1,785 million and deferred tax assets would amount to PLN 339 million. The Group also does not recognise a provision for deferred tax on the difference between the tax and book value of shares in PGE GiEK S.A. (potential deferred tax amount of PLN 273 million) due to the uncertainty of the value of income taxes to be realised on the sale of this company. As presented in note 33.2 of these financial statements, significant parameters related to the sale of PGE GiEK S.A. are not yet determined.

Group's deferred tax after offsetting assets and liabilities at companies and within tax group

(in PLNm) Year ended December 31, 2022 Year ended December 31, 2021
Deferred tax assets 3,183 933
Income tax liabilities (1,002) (402)

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